Aliyu Samaila
Aminu A. Biambo,
Nuruddeen Usman,
Hussaina H. Aliyu
For correspondence:- Aliyu Samaila Email: Tel: +2348034608419
Published: 29 December 2018
Citation: Samaila A, Biambo AA, Usman N, Aliyu HH. Drug related problems and implications for pharmaceutical care interventions in hypertensive outpatients in a Nigerian hospital. J Sci Pract Pharm 2018; 5(2):281-286 doi: 10.47227/jsppharm.v5i2.7
© 2018 The author(s).
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PURPOSE: To study drug related problems (DRPs) among hypertensive patients, pattern of antihypertensive drugs used and percentage of patients that achieved JNC 8 target goal BP in a Nigerian hospital. METHODS: This was a prospective cross-sectional study over a period of three months. A total of 109 eligible hypertensive patients were consecutively sampled. Data was collected from the patients’ folders and direct interviews using a data collection form. Compliance to medication was assessed using the four (4) items patients’ report Morisky compliance score indicator. . RESULTS: A total of 171 DRPs were identified and effect of drug treatment not optimal was the highest (71.6%) DRP encountered. The mean systolic and diastolic blood pressures (SBP and DBP) were found to be 150 ± 27.71 and 92 ± 16.29 mmHg respectively, and only 26.6% of the patients achieved JNC 8 target goal blood pressure (BP). Number of drug related problems and adherence score correlated positively and significantly with SBP at P≤0.01. CONCLUSION: A total of 171 DRPs were identified which could partly be associated with majority of the patients not achieving their target goal BP. This has justified the introduction of pharmaceutical care interventions to hypertensive outpatients receiving care in the hospital.